CSE is associated with the invention and development of hardware and software, while it is related to the
efficient use of existing software / hardware. CSE thinks about how to develop a new system, while he thinks that as the original systems can be put to commercial use income. While CSE implementation of some problems, ask a question of the hardware & software, but want to know about the working of management and business so that you can edit, enhance and educate you to use existing software / hardware.
When you make the system, missile control, machine, DVD, medical diagnostic tools, etc., called CSE and when you learn to improve, implement and operate the system, called him. Computer science is the theme of the whole deal with computer hardware software. It is derived subject which is mainly involved in the management of information using computers.
Computer science (academically, CS, CSC or compsci) encompasses a variety of topics relating to computing, as an abstract analysis of algorithms, formal grammars, and subjects like programming languages, software design, software and computer hardware. Computer scientists study the program can and can not do, how programs can efficiently perform specific tasks (algorithms and complexity), how programs should store and retrieve specific types of information (data structures and databases), how programs might behave intelligently (artificial intelligence) , and how programs and people should communicate with each other (human computer interaction and user interfaces). Good for jobs like software, hardware, engineering, computer science professor, programmer, etc.
Although information technology (IT) is the technology required for information processing. In particular the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and receive information from any location, at any time. It's really good for people who do not like math because it offer less math courses. You can get a job as a database administrator, webmaster, programmer, software engineer, telecommunications, management, computer security analyst, etc. Information technology course module has been designed with a piece of software up to date while the computer science includes more of the hardware of the computer as a network, the chip-level knowledge, etc. Although some of the same in both streams.
Besides CPR is more math intensive than him. Information technology is the business side of computers - usually dealing with databases, business and accounting. Cs, engineering degree usually involves how to build micro processors, how to write a compiler, and usually more math intensive than him. One way to think about it, this one has to do with the information - data that would be IT and the other has to do with "Science" or "how to make it" computers. So there is a very thin line that separates the two streams. There is a lot of overlap in the two streams. Each is a tough problem, there is the problem of CS.
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