Let's face it, sometimes the phone with the Ford Sync does not work very well. Sync your phone with the problem or is it? The open architecture of the synchronization system for a wide variety of colors allows it. List your items when problems arise, where the problems lie and BlackBerry phones themselves "in a world that is run to check.
thing that makes this so frustrating a lot of companies choose
Blackberry phones as "company phone" as a user, you cannot use this type
of phone, but your company does. Because it is not as common as the telephone, and then to find the answers to the questions may seem difficult. The purpose of this seminar is to help some important issues.
So let's look at some of the common problems and try to enter the BlackBerry Sync some good solutions. One of these issues when you try to pair a Blackberry and middle pairing synchronization system into a "privacy mode" and appears to freeze the system.
First of all, always make sure that the Wi-Fi connection is not in the ON setting on your phone. Turn this feature off for now because it would interfere with the process of mating.
As an extra precaution, pull back from the phone. Keep it for about a minute and then reconnect it. Put back on the back of the phone. Let the power of the unit. This process takes a few minutes, but let the phone through its startup procedure.
Navigate to the Settings folder on a blackberry. Turn on Bluetooth. Go to your car and turn it on. Click the phone icon on the steering wheel or dashboard. This activates the "Phone Menu", which in a few seconds can display the text "No phone found." Then he would say, 'Add'. Click the OK button on the panel or on the steering wheel. Voice comes over the sound system of the car to say "Click OK to start the mating process." Click OK. The voice continues, "Enter PIN-code displayed on your device." As this Blackberry, turn the tune to the dashboard until the LED display shows "Special PIN." Click OK. It will show the number "0000." If it is not, turn the cutting to as long as it shows the four PIN-code, then click OK.
Now go to your phone, set it to search for Bluetooth-enabled devices. After
a few minutes, it will find the device when the display shows «Sync» as
detected device and press "Home" on the Blackberry (it is the main
control button in the center.) The device will display a secondary screen where you can enter a four-digit PIN-code. Click the OK button on the phone. Another screen appears a number of issues. Scroll down and click Mark asks if the connection synchronization must always stay connected. Then scroll up and check the Yes button to connect to Sync. Then the dashboard screen and voice takes you through some of the invitations. Click
OK to the question, "Set as the main phone?" Click OK to question «Turn
on 911 Assist?» Please note that if you do not, then the vote may come
each time you turn on the machine. He will make a statement, "You are reminded that 911 Assist set off». Sync will then ask the question, "download the phone book?" Click OK and let the system take its time Sync download contacts. When
finished, the system will display the "Download complete." You can
click the phone icon for five seconds, and it will clear the screen. Now you're ready to use your phone.
Click on "The Voice" on the steering wheel (a symbol that looks like a mouth with a sound comes out). Sync system will make the chime and make a statement «Sync, the state team." Then you can say "Phone." It will repeat the "Telephone, State team." Then say "Call + (the name of your contact, you save it in your phone book ). "Or say" Dial "and Sync asks you to" "number please."
Here's another question that may arise. Some carriers phone use "SIM" card to store phone numbers. If you have your contacts stored in the card "Sim", the system clock will not be able to read this contact. "Maps" is a safe level is not available to the Sync. You need to change your contact and the contact to the phone and not the "Sim" card. You can contact your carrier retail store and ask one of their employees to move your contacts to "SIM" card to the phone. This will help identify your contacts Sync.
Other contacts related to the question is, the system does not recognize the contact. One proposal is not written contact names in capital letters. Use a person's full name (first and last) and be creative. For example, if you can not remember the name of your plumber to put his contact information as "Joe the Plumber.» Sync in voice activation software runs off of syllables and phonetics. So look what the word really is. Say the first name of your contact is "Nita" (short for Juanita). You can tell her name as «Neeta.» But Sync system uses a computer system, which suggests that the letter «I» of "Nita" is pronounced "I" is not «e». If you plan to use Sync to call "Nita" and then pronounce it as "New York City is the." Either you change the phone book to write her name, to be «Neeta» and then you can say the name as «Nee that."
In addition, see all the letters spelling of names. For example to call "Mom" to say to the system Sync, «call M-O-M '. Or just edit the phone book and call the name in capitals and lower case, or even better, a pub a few more syllables. For example, change it to the "world's best mom" or "Mother Jones."
Stay tuned to this blog for more seminars on processing issues, problems and situations with your system clock. We have found in most cases, is not a system clock that matters is that the user attempts to use or access to the system. So getting a good show and a good education is the best way to master the system.
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